The UK's provider of GPS Tracking Devices for Dementia

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Trackershop has been working with families, charity groups and care homes throughout the UK for several years to ensure a higher level of location safety for vulnerable individuals of any age and circumstance, using wearable GPS trackers. 

As we all now know, Alzheimer's disease and dementia erase an individuals memory, meaning that familiar surroundings instantly become unrecognisable - causing confusion, disorientation and often panic. 

Suddenly finding yourself in (what you perceive as) an area that you have never visited, combined with not understanding how you arrived there, will lead to fear and panic. 

This panic typically leads to wandering behaviour, as the individual tries to find their way back to where they think they need to be. 

Such conditions will be incredibly traumatising, disorientating and scary. Under such circumstances, being able to quickly locate the individual is crucial in order to avoid injury, harm or further trauma. 

Trackershop has always focused on ensuring that the most reliable and advanced GPS tracking devices are available for everyone, no matter what they need them for. 

However, the biggest issue with GPS trackers for dementia is ensuring that your loved one actually has their device with them in an emergency.  

Therefore, the best wearable GPS tracker option is essential.


The ability to pinpoint where someone is in an emergency is critical and can mean the difference between a safe and speedy response or serious injury (or even worse). Knowing you can monitor all of this through an app on your phone is also vital when responding.

However, as anyone who has cared for an individual with tendencies to wander/become disorientated and lost may know, the individual is not always willing to carry their tracking device or may even forget it at times.

A reliable wearable tracking device that is easy for the individual to keep with them has been what so many of you have been desperately in need of.  

The GPS Keyring Tracker is not only the most accurate and proactive tracking device for dementia but is also the most likely to be with the person in an emergency.

As the name suggests, the keyring tracker attaches to keys, but can also be carried loose, worn on a lanyard, attach to belts, bags, purses and zips.

The combination of highly advanced GPS tracking tech, user-friendly functionality and affordability is combined with the wearability, heightening the chance of a vulnerable person having their tracker with them in an emergency situation! After all, a GPS tracker for safety is only as useful as its ability to be with the vulnerable person at all times.

This crucially means that this wearable GPS tracker will always be with the individual in critical situations.


For those who are responsible for someone who’s prone to wander may know, introducing something new to them can sometimes be met with a level of resistance. 

The multiple options of how to carry The GPS Keyring Tracker for dementia means that the individual can choose the most comfortable way in which they keep their device with them.

What also makes the dementia Keyring Tracking Device the best wearable GPS tracker are the multiple vital safety functions; instantly improving locational safety and increasing independence as well as peace of mind. 

Knowing that they will always have their wearable GPS tracking device with them means that you can rest assured you will always be able to react quickly and effectively in the event of an emergency.

This will crucially increase their safety, freedom and sense of independence, as well as peace of mind for you.

As a concerned family member, you can check in at any time with the location of your loved ones, see their full journey activity and even use your app to pinpoint their exact location when collecting them from school or clubs. 

If you are using any of the dementia wearable trackers to protect an infirm relative with dementia, then you may not need to monitor their every movement on a daily basis, but can use the safety alerts on your phone to let you know when you need to react quickly.

In both instances, receiving live tracking directly through your app means that you will be able to find them instantly and avoid any danger that they may face. 

If the individual is travelling somewhere alone you can follow their route on your app to ensure that they arrive safely and that they do not deviate or become lost.



For such a small GPS Tracker, The care Tracker is extremely durable and can achieve 7 days of battery life between charges. 


In an emergency you can live track as quickly as every 5 seconds, allowing you to react quickly, confidently and effectively. 


You can review any date, time and journey to ensure that no deviations are taken from planned routes. You can also monitor for any patterns of repeat areas that the tracker has been visiting. 


Safety zones are virtual fences that you set up on your mapping panel. You can set up as many zones as you need to in order to ensure safer day to day activity.

An example of a useful safety zone will be to set one on the map around the individual's home.

You can then receive instant alerts when the person enters and/or leaves home. This can be important when you are concerned that they may get lost when they are out, so you can be instantly alerted when they return. It is also important if they tend to randomly leave the home during the middle of the night or at unexpected times. In emergency situations that need a quick response, setting the emergency automated call feature can be life-saving. 


Set an automated phone call when any alerts are triggered - including the SOS and Zone alerts (SOS does not apply to keyring tracker).


Your Dementia Tracker has a pre-installed multi-roaming SIM inside. This means that it will automatically roam onto the strongest network in any area. You can also take your tracking device abroad as the SIM will automatically roam onto the local network of any country that you visit- at no additional cost! 


For an individual who tends to need extra daily support, having the added safety that The Care GPS Tracker brings will allow that vital extra bit of freedom that they need. The peace of mind for family members that these wearable trackers bring can be just as life-changing for everyone involved. 

If you would like to speak to a member of the team at Trackershop then please feel free to give us a call on 03300552777